Friday 11 July 2014

How To Target Good Keyworfs

low competition keywords(proper low competition with less than 1k backlinks needed) with high traffic to create autoblogs on to earn from adsense, cpa, clickbank, amazon etc

The higher the better! 3k+ a month for the main one is reasonable as that would be around 100 a day (on exact search) 
and then the autoblog will cover most of the other longertail keyphrases etc.

But then if the keyword is a buying keyword and it only had 1k or even just 500 searches a month then it is still good! 

Or likewise a keyword to which the adsense revenue or the product it promotes pays well then the search volume can be less!

keyword with commercial value even adword competition is very low
tick that "exact" search in MS or adword tool If traffic is good, run for it
Check the PPC advertisers history for the keyword and how much they are bidding for(Use KeywordSpy)

Competition means how many advertisers in adsense there are, not websites.. And since Porn is against adsense TOS  So really there should be 0.0% competition.

If you're talking about using the Google Keyword tool, and the CPC green bar for competition, it's low because no one will be bidding on a general word like "porn" they will bid on something specific w/ money in it, for example, free chinese porn, if google allowed adult bidding in adwords. imo first try to find a traffic source, then monetize your traffic, dont worry so much about this data and just start testing out your sites andSEO backlinking methods

Analysing the competition = go to the competitions site, look at their SEO, Look at the number of backlinks, the quality of the backlinks

Google is your best tool to estimate traffic. When you see a term in the results in adwords, click it and start analysing the top ten results manually. These tools will say theres a domain thats 5 years old with a PR5 and 180 backlinks....

You get scared.... But these are pretty easy to outrank... with a few quality backlinks..... Could be that those 180 links are total crap guestbook spam 

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