Saturday, 6 September 2014

5 Minute Money Site for Rank and Bank

Know this famous trick of The 5 Minute Money Site for Rank and Bank

I am still experimenting with churn and burn sites at the moment. I am having quite good success just using Web 2.0 properties with spun content in place of money sites - easy to create in 5 minutes and easy to throw away if they get tanked

Procedure is as follows:
[spoiler]1.Get some email addresses

For registration and so on - I use BanditIM for this - very cheap hotmail addresses.

2.Register a web 2.0 property
I prefer and dont use proxies as Im only making a handful (as they are in place of money site).

3.Build the content
I use Kontent machine with the WordAI integration (I use wordAI standard plan), I just open a new project in Kontent machine, put in my 3 main keywords and pretty much leave everything else at default.
I do the first run with the GSA template - this content can then be used entirely to populate a GSA campaign.
I use the next run with a custom template for building articles with just the title and the body, and thats what I use for the "money site".

4.Build the site
With the content created above, I populate my web 2.0 property - I publish a handful of articles immediately, and schedule more for the next 30 days.

5.Create GSA campaign
Next I create a GSA campaign, the only thing I put in manually is the anchor text, then I select all platforms and import data from the kontent machine outputs made earlier.

All of the above takes less than 5 minutes and makes it really easy to set up some churn and burn websites. After that, just let GSA do the work of ranking them.
Once ranked you can either add your affiliate links to the web 2.0, or you can have it redirected to your offers/real money site(s).[/spoiler]

Some Question and answer

1. How do you go about finding keywords (and how competitve are they)?

2. How long, in your expereince, do the rankings last?

[spoiler]^^ find keywords from various places - some bought from services here, some found from software, can't remember name some whittled down manually from SB scraped keywords.

rankings last well at the moment - I've spent 2 months ranking sites and they've succeeded for several months after they are ranked also.[/spoiler]

What are you using for affiliate links, clickbank, cpa...?

[spoiler]I have been doing this pretty much everyday for the past 2 months and i am 99% sure that with what you are doing, it will definitely work, the point is how fast and how long you are staying there.[/spoiler]

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